Nature's way

- 1 min

The sun shone scorching bright
The vast savannah lay in the shimmering light
Behind the tall grass, beneath the shady tree
Lay the predator, in a state of reverie

Beside the creek, stood a buck and a doe
Playfully dancing in Nature’s glow
Without any reason to fear
Unmindful of the danger so near

A piercing shriek, the baboon’s voice rung
Alas, a little too late was the warning sung
A spring, a dash, a momentary gleam
The magnificent beast lay, besides its prey’s spleen

The doe stood looking at its mate
With a glint of tears, due to its cruel fate
Wondering whether to shout or cry wavering I lay
When a voice replied
“That my boy, is Nature’s way”…

Vidhatha Vivekananda

Vidhatha Vivekananda

Programmer. Interested in nature and philosophy.

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